Stay Tuned! New Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost: Convenient Warm-Weather Protection Available Jan. 22, Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS) combines the superior detergency and improved lubricity of AMSOIL … [Read more...]
Independent AMSOIL Jobber Harrisburg Pennsylvania
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Stay Tuned! New Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost: Convenient Warm-Weather Protection Available Jan. 22, Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS) combines the superior detergency and improved lubricity of AMSOIL … [Read more...]
1) Motorcycles run hotter In general, automotive engines are water-cooled. A typical automotive engine can reach 235ºF (113ºC) during operation, which is plenty hot. Motorcycles, however, run even hotter, particularly big, air-cooled V-twins, like your average Harley-Davidson.* They rely on air flowing across the engine for cooling, which is inherently less efficient at dissipating heat. […]
In extreme cases, cylinder-liner cavitation in diesels can allow oil and coolant to mix. Then it’s just a matter of time until engine failure. Here’s what you can do to help ensure that doesn’t happen. Most diesel engines are designed with replaceable cast-iron cylinder liners that are pressed into the engine block. While this doesn’t […]
COMMERCIAL BUSINESS If your company uses lubricants in your business processes like company cars and truck, equipment, heavy duty machinery or on the farm you may qualify as an AMSOIL Commercial Account. The AMSOIL Commercial Account enables you to purchase AMSOIL Products at wholesale commercial prices. AMSOIL Inc. also extends credit to